Hip-Hop - performance Art. Relationship between mind body and space movement. Equation, medium dance art. Largely achieved by an insistence on transitivity between spectator and dancer either as material process – music – or specific chants characteristic of inbound spectators who circle the dance floor.
Dancers take turns as showman, or show-woman performers at spectator feet, who act as judges. Hip-Hop dates back to early 1980s as cultural theorist and scholars observed historically Hip-Hops own distinctive properties as a art medium – perhaps came too late for that kind of theoretical study – scholars though “just will not last long” like an unifying core.
However Hip-Hop has outlived all other dancer art invented over the past century, example, Jitter Bug-Rock and Roll. Today Hip-Hop is huge business as our current dancers everyday lives are concerned. The huge gain in room or dance-floor – for play – and pay, inaugurated by the photographic media years ago – more than matched by the industrial Hip-Hop productions and circulation of music video DVD s in which real dance experience is recorded live – rather than edited to be wholly efficient fantasies.
Hip-Hops mass cultural form, harnessed to economic and social ideologies – equally dependent on the prospect of historical fashion resolutions in the future, maybe 100 years later.(CCN传媒图片网 孟波)
(文章来源:CCN传媒图片网 乐骄傲)